Friday, June 28, 2013

No-Poo Banana Banana

  Today is the first of five days since I've lathered my tresses with anything. No special remedy concocted to target distressed strands of golden silk. No organic shampoo or moisturizing cream, no dry shampoo to soak up unwanted grit. Nothing. Nada. Ziltch....  My hair looks full, fluffy and if it wasn't for the simple fact that my trainer Julie worked me out like some bad Ass UFC champion yesterday(Check out Julie's gym, she is AMAZING!), I probably could continue this stretch for an entire week!
  You want Guru Hair too, don't you? You want fine strands of golden locs? Silky caramel tresses of the gods?  Have you been following this blog, learning the craft of the trade?
Here's my secret... Bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas.... (Do you see where I'm going with this?)
No I'm not crazy, it's just that simple.
On Sunday I remedied a hair mask knowing the weather was due to be hazy hot and humid. I mashed 1 whole banana and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Mashed like a mad guru woman until No chunks remained. Let's face it chunky banana grits is so not an attractive look to sport. I followed up with A vinaigrette rinse.  I will admit the concoction can become a bit messy.  for future references I suggest this remedy be applied pre showering.(Or if you are lucky enough to live in Boston, treat yourself to an Organic Mask at by yours truly!!) Today I will follow up with another vinaigrette rinse to clear away unwanted oil build up. ( I want to "no-poo" for a liitle longer) 

How long have you gone with NO-POO?

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Sticky Fingers And Pesky Critters

 The delegate hybrid version of you. With all shapes and sizes, in duos and broods, they're your most pride and joy. Moms and Dads take great solace when they get shipped out and dropped off for morning hours of learning school. A peaceful break from the interludes of Why Not? and How Come?. And just as you thought your life has found a center balance once more, your sticky fingered children trot home after a day filled with glitter sticks and arithmetic with an oh so delectable gift for you! Lice. Those wonderful little creatures that are the catalyst for clothes tossed to the rubbish, bed sheets ripped and stripped and your zen of your home uprooted to disaster zone! 
   In a haste of a panic, before you transport yourself to the nearest drugstore, let's talk about the extreme danger of applying pesticides on those delicate little flowers. Children in general have a less mature immune system and are susceptible to absorbing more toxic substances directly through the blood stream when harmful chemicals are applied directly to the skin. Become informed to what prominent recognized authorities are saying. 

" There is absolutely no need to expose children to any pesticide to treat head lice." Marion Moses MD, Designer Poisons

 " Sometimes the medicine is worse than the disease. It is unfortunate that well intentioned parents treating their children with toxic or flammable substances have caused deaths and poisonings." Department of Immunology and Infectious Diseases, Harvard School of Public Health

 " Preparations like Rid and Kwell...are definitely toxic to people." Dr. Andrew Weil, MD, Author of Ask Dr. Weil, Spontaneous Healing and Eight Weeks to Optimum Health

 " Never assume a pesticide is safe. Anything designed to disrupt a living organism-plant or animal-may also prove harmful to humans or other animals in unexpected ways." Theo Colborn, Ph.D., Our Stolen Future

 Here is an in depth description of what you should be aware of about over the counter lice treatments. (All information below was obtained via, please click this link for further inactive/active ingredients and other harmful effects.)
There are two main pesticides used in most head lice products available today: lindane and pyrethrins.

For many years, lindane (Kwell), an organochlorine pesticide available only by prescription, was the treatment of choice for head lice. It is still recommended by many medical personnel who have not taken the time to acquaint themselves with its potential health hazards to humans.
Lindane is absorbed through the skin and into the blood stream. Once absorbed, it can be carried throughout the body to the tissue (mainly fat) and organs. In pregnant women, it can travel across the placenta to the developing fetus. Due to its toxicity and lack of effectiveness, it should not be used under any circumstance.

About 9% of each lindane dose is absorbed through the skin. It is 10 times more soluble in brain tissue than in blood. Routine administration to children and geriatric patients has led to neurotoxic disorders. Lindane is highly carcinogenic in rats and mice and can cause aplastic anemia, a precursor or leukemia, and other blood disorders.
In Designer Poisons, Marion Moses, MD says 'Lindane should be banned; it should not be allowed for any use whatsoever". She also talks about other adverse health effects possibly caused by using lindane to treat head lice:
o Children treated with lindane for head lice compared to those who were not were almost five (5) times more likely to have brain cancer.
o Brain and nervous system damage has resulted in deaths in infants and children after lindane application to the skin.
o Lindane can cause irritant reactions, rashes and allergic reactions with the following symptoms: convulsions, seizures, headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, incoordination, tremors, mental confusion and jerky muscular movements.

In Is This Your Child's World, Doris Rapp MD states that some women who have elevated levels of lindane from lice treatments in their blood have habitual abortions, unexplained infertility, menstrual disorders and premature menopausal symptoms.

The National Pediculosis Association, Inc. (NPA) says that, "Lindane is a nerve poison that also causes why are we prescribing it for our children?" Their database has over 500 adverse event reports related to the use of lindane. Even worse, they say it can be unsafe even when used as directed. Children who have been treated repeatedly for head lice may be more at risk of adverse events with additional chemical exposures. Seizures, behavioral changes, attention deficit disorders, cancer, skin disease and even death have been reported to the NPA's registry.
In addition to the NPA, the Consumers Union, the Public Citizens Health Research Group and the Cancer Prevention Coalition have called for a ban on lindane-based shampoos and lotions. Currently it is classified by the US Health Department's Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) as a hazardous substance that contaminates at least 144 Superfund sites (places designated by the EPA as the most hazardous of hazardous waste sites). Eighteen foreign countries have banned its use. This should be sufficient evidence to cause one to NEVER, under any circumstance, use a lindane based head lice product.

PYRETHRINS (found in Nix, Rid, Clear, Pronto, End Lice, Eliminite)
Pyrethrum and pyrethrins are pesticides made from flowers (a type of chrysanthemum). Synthetic pyrethroids (permethrins) are chemical imitations of these natural products. Synergists are chemicals added to increase their killing power.

Any pesticide can theoretically cause allergic reactions, although some are more likely than others. Products made from a member in this family of pesticides are likely to precipitate allergic reactions, particularly for people with allergies, asthma or chemical sensitivities. One reason is that they cross-react with ragweed and other plant pollens.
In Designer Poisons, Marion Moses, MD suggests that these types of pesticides attack the brain and nervous system. She further states that they can irritate the eyes, nose and throat and cause skin itching, burning, rashes, stinging, tingling and numbness. Taken internally, signs of poisoning include tremors, salivation (drooling), vomiting, diarrhea and irritability to sound and touch.

 From the parenting tips of Tess Moody a DIY natural remedy blogger like myself, here are some alternate organic ways to treat those pesky little critters and keep your children safe from applying harmful pesticides to their scalp and skin!
Mayonnaise smothers lice. Spread mayonnaise throughout your hair until it is completely covered. Put a plastic bag over your head and gather at the bottom and secure with a rubber band. Leave mayonnaise on head for one hour. Rinse hair and use a lice comb to remove nits.
Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil is a great home remedy to get rid of lice. Apply to the hair and scalp. Cover hair with plastic bag for an hour. Wash hair twice and dry. Take a lice comb and comb through hair to get rid of nits. Optional: After intitial treatment, add a couple of drops of tea tree oil to a spray bottle filled with water and spray every day
Vinegar is another great home remedy for getting rid of head lice. Wash hair daily with straight vinegar for a week-the head lice will be gone by the end of the week!
Olive Oil
Olive oil works like mayonnaise in killing lice. Pour olive oil all over hair and scalp and cover for an hour. You can do this before bed and sleep with it on. Wash hair afterwards and comb out nits. You'll find that your hair will even feel extra soft as well.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Hair Apothecary: A Guru's Prescription

 Women across America are lopping off their locs in a desperate attempt to preserve their hair. It's too limp, lop it off. It's too dry, lop it off. I don't have time for this, lop it off. But what has one really accomplished  in their hasty effort of saving grace? Nothing besides a short cropped style spiraling in downward regrets. So before you go all mental breakdown like Ms. Spears and buzz those tresses to their death, let's pause and take a closer look at some underlying symptoms you may be experiencing.

 Although at best, the issue with your hair may be resolved with a style specifically tailored to your hair. When problems such as dry itchy scalp, hair loss, flat and dry tresses are persistent, one must take a closer look at the root of the problem. (No pun intended) Hair begins at the folicle,  inside your scalp. Nutrition and diet play a major roll in the overall wellness of your locs.  Eating lots of fruit and vegetables will not only make your doctor happy, but it will appease your hairstylist as well. Maintaining a healthy scalp will ensure your tresses are voluminous, lustrous and radiant in beauty. Take these Guru prescriptions to your local market and you'll be one step closer to a walking Tresemme commercial!

Guru prescription for dry/ flaky scalp
Pure Tea Tree Oil
Natural Oil such as Jojoba or Grape Seed.
Add 2-3 drops of tea tree to oil and massage into scalp. Let mixture stand for about an hour before your regular shampoo.

Guru prescription for fine/ limp/ oily hair
1 whole Banana
Olive Oil
Mash Banana until smooth and add two tablespoons of oil. Apply mixture to hair working from scalp to ends. Leave on for 15-20 minutes. Shampoo and condition as regular.

Guru prescription for split ends/ dry hair
1/4 cup of yogurt
1 tablespoon of coconut oil
1 teaspoon honey
Mix coconut oil with honey until honey is well dissolved. (add a small amount of hot water to break down faster) add yogurt and stir well. Apply to hair from roots to ends and let stand for 15-20 minutes. Follow with a regular shampoo and vinaigrette rinse.

Need additional help with your locs?
Comment below with your unwanted hair symptoms for a specific Guru prescription.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Help Wanted In The Shave Needs Department

  Hair Guru is not just about the hair on your scalp, the health of remedies is rooted far deeper than sebaceous glands can imagine. The corporate world is cruel in its evolving trap to sell consumers quick batches of chemical crap; vast in the copious carcinogenic ingredients to preserve their "one of a kind" products. Why not add gasoline byproducts , chloride metals and highly toxic sulfates, they've only been known to kill rats in high dosages! This blog, this Hair Guru, is a movement; a solace journey to an organic way of life. Hair Guru is a reset of the cosmetic mind.

 So now that I have scared the bajeesus out of you with real talk of ingredients you are currently slathering  your precious skin with, let's take a closer look at the second most widely used products among men and women. Shaving cream. Its holds such a vital role in society from propelling us to the top of our professional fields, ensuring positive results to a successful first date, to mentally uplifting our personal well being. There's no numbered statistic to show that everyone feels more confident in themselves after a good clean shave. (Ladies, it's bikini season and I know you can attest to this statement!)

  So here's the basics you need to know. Everything has a back bone, a simple formula with simple ingredients to produce a simple product. With shaving cream you need something to moisture the skin and soften the hair for easy removal. (If only life were that uncomplicated!) Some creams often contain aloe and fragrances for a personalized touch. (How do you stand out in a crowd?) So what to big corporations do when they get their greedy hands on such a prevalent product? They load the damn thing full of fillers and preservatives so their bottles can sit on shelves and your shower stalls for years without deterioration! Seriously, who needs a bottle of shaving cream to last over a year? I highly doubt your 5 O'clock shadow will outlive that can of cream.

 Due to its growing health and safety concerns Triethanolamine has recently been reduced in the use of shaving creams. With its suspected role as an irritant and ability to react with other ingredients to form carcinogenics has been linked to cancer. *It can be completely removed from shaving products with out a loss of performance.Triclosan, an antibacterial agent, is known to be bad for septic and natural water systems. Isobutane is linked to cancer. Methylparaben is linked to tumor growth. Research has also linked Phthalates is linked to neurodevelopment disorders, as well as allergies and asthma.

Breathe. Take a moment. Now let's remedy!

  1 1/2 cups of coconut oil (solid measurement)
   2 tablespoons honey
   2 tablespoons of preferred essential oil

Mix all ingredients together until well combined and smooth. Transfer to container and cover.

Toss out your corner market shaving products and also try this cream for an all over deep moisturizer!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Ain't Nobody Got Time For That

  Late nights spent watching men on ice leave New England women in a morning snooze. With the Bruins in the Stanley Cup finals, who actually gives a loc about their frocks? Surely not the wicked hard cored sports fans of Boston. This type of season has the whole city in a daylight daze. So what does one do to keep from looking like they just strolled in the office from a walk of shame? Follow these simple instructions adapted by your Hair Guru, of course!

  Keep hitting that snooze buttons ladies as I present to you a remedy that will save you at least a half hour of precious morning bliss.
 Here's what you'll need:
Baking Soda
Container to store it in

Combine a 1/4 cup of cornstarch and 1 tablespoon of baking soda into container and shake well!

For dark hair add 2 tablespoons of Coco Powder (Make sure it is unsweetened, to avoid melted chocolatey goodness from seeping down the scalp!)

 Toss those locs in a high loose clip while bathing. Skip the use of shower caps for unwanted moisture.  Shake a small amount of powder in the palms of your hands then distribute on roots or oily prone areas on scalp! With a ruff tousle of hair, make sure all powder is absorbed and there is no dust residue remaining. (not a good look to sport at your cubicle!)

Not only is this dry shampoo excellent to have handy in lazy or rushed mornings, you are also helping the environment by reducing the amount of air pollution as well. Commercial aerosol dry shampoos are laden with butane, isobutane and propane and are also filled with a number of preservatives to prevent deterioration, such as clyclodextrin and benzyl alcohol. 

Monday, June 17, 2013

Seeds Of The Gods

 For those with their mind in the gutter, I am glad I peaked your interest! (Catchy titles always seem to work this way) And for those of you who have been following the Guru blog I would like to take this moment to express my gratitude of appreciation. It has come to my attention, however, through a previous post, that during one of my "Spritzah" recipes, I failed to mention a key ingredients health benefits. Just slap these random pantry items together  because some hair guru told me to, is so not my style. As I backtrack to our organic sunscreen concoction, allow me to inform you why the seeds of the gods (see what I did there?) lie in the nectar of grapes.

  Grapes date back 6,000 -8,000 years ago and since ancient Greece, they have been cultivated to treat various health problems. The "waste product" left over from the fermentation of grapes into wine is what contains the array of health-giving ingredients.Who are we kidding? Wine IS most beneficial to our overall health! (Eases tensions, stress, horrible first dates... creation of a blog..etc) I should probably pour myself a glass right now and express to you its many uses in creativity!

  The extract of  grape seed oil contains anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-histamine, anti-aging, anti-allergic, antimicrobial, and adaptogenic activity. Along with having a natural SPF, which is key to our Spritzah recipe, the natural health benefits in treatments are endless. (I am at exhaustion just writing this list)

Benefits in the treatments of:
Arthritis, edema, dermatitis, acne, wrinkles, dry and itchy skin, age spots, sun burns, chapped lips, wounds, bruising, stretch marks, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, chronic venous insufficiency, premature aging, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), weight loss, stress, dandruff, hair loss, warts, cardiovascular diseases especially atherosclerosis, hypertension, high cholesterol levels, diabetes, visual impairment, cataract, and macular degeneration.

  With a burning temperature set at 420-480 degrees, not only is this oil perfect to fry chicken, grape seed oil will work wonders for addicts of dryers and flat irons.Just add a few drops in the palm of your hands and distribute through the hair starting from the ends. Being light weight and odorless, it is perfect for all hair types. Put down that high concentrated Moroccan Oil and go to your local market and pick up a bottle of heavenly wonder now!

Want to eliminate or reduce visible and unwanted stretch marks?

1/2 cup of Grape Seed Oil
Cotton Ball

Soak cotton ball with oil and apply to affected area. Massage gently and leave over night.

All over Europe, grape seed is used to improve circulation.  "It prevents oxidation of blood fats and inhibits enzymes that break down the proteins that make up blood vessels.
Usual dose for general health maintenance ranges from 50 to 100 mg daily. To treat illness, doses from 150 to 300 mg per day are recommended" .(

" Studies have shown that Grape Seed Oil may improve the production of collagen which is important for maintaining healthy connective tissues in our joints. Its anti-inflammatory activity may also reduce the pain caused by arthritis. 

 A simple remedy is to start taking 1 teaspoon of Grape Seed Oil daily on an empty stomach for 7 days and then reduce the amount to 1/2 teaspoon daily on an empty stomach." (

** Most well funded health research seems to fall within synthetic methods of treatment, hence the benefits of  organic uses in healthcare can be found difficult to distribute on a large mainstream scale and fall into a "holistic mumbo-jumbo" category because big business can not make a buck off something growing from your backyard garden.  Although grape seed oil has been used by practitioners since 8,000 years ago, your local neighborhood healthcare clinic may not back this information up.

Friday, June 14, 2013

It's raining. Let's talk "spritzahs".

  It's that time of year when the sun bestows upon us and heavenly heat breaks that bitter chill of the east coast grime. It's summer my dear friends. Besides the fact that it has been raining for what seems like the entire month of June, we need to start conjuring up a scheme to quickly call back in the line up of mid summer night's dreams. With nearly 8 months of harsh New England weather I can attest you are all eager to fire up those barbeques, take solace over a spit fire from blood sucking mosquitoes and throw back a few ice cold beers.

  UV index is ever increasing with it's "all time high", due to toxic waste created by our negligence and laziness to take the time and observe Mother Nature. (which is why this is clearly an imperative blog!) No longer can we roast like suckling pigs doused in an infusion of oil and iodine. No longer is it social acceptable to baste ourselves in the reflection of tin foiled looking pamphlets. People are lathering up in an SPF like war paint, armed and fearless of little rays of sunshine! Before you go all vampire Bill charging into the daylight,  let's pause and check out some not so outrageous ingredients commercial drug stores are adding in those bottles. 

 Oxybenzone is derived from isopropanol, also found in anti freeze, can irritate the skin and in some people cause an allergic reaction. From vitamin A, which speeds the development of skin lesions and tumors, to fragrances and parabens known to cause health problems and distribute hormones, the complications to summer care are beginning to seem endless. Here is a simple all natural recipe to protect your skin and scalp that you can concoct in the safety of your home:

What you'll need:
Pure grape seed oil
Rose water
Spray bottle

Add a few drops of grape seed oil and about 1/2 pint of rose water in spray bottle. Shake well. Refrigerate.

  So now that you can roam safety under the ultra violet death rays of sun, the second most essential summer must have is a bitchin' bod. Vital survival summer tip #2, put down that beer and loose that gut! (harsh words are a mother's love) Though I will never steer you into a detox from the juice of gods, allow me to introduce to you a new way to incorporate some barley and hops into your locs. For fine, thin and flat hair, or for anyone who needs to add a little oomph, toss one open (not light) beer aside and create this fuzzy lifting tonic!

1 1/2 cups of beer
1/4 cup water
1 tablespoon lemon or lime

Mix all ingredients in a spray bottle. Mist at the roots of your hair. The lemon/lime will mask the scent of the beer, however if you still smell like you just hit a campus kegger, try adding a few drops of coconut essential oil!

And now for the grand finale, the gold standard of summer sprays, I present to you a "spritzah" unlike any other. So simple and natural, you'll be the Brigitte Bardot of beach waves. 

1 cup of hot water (not boiling)
2 tablespoons epsom salt (more for added texture)
1/2 teaspoon himalayan or sea salt (adds stiffness)
1 teaspoon aloe vera gel
1/2 teaspoon conditioner (may substitute with a few drops of almond or jajoba oil)

*Add essential oils for personalized fragrance

Pour water into spray bottle. Add epsom salt, sea salt, aloe vera gel and oils. Shake for 1-2 minutes until salts are dissolved. Mixture will be last for the entire summer months!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

From Winstons To Aqua Net

   Fondly I can remember accompanying my grandmother to her weekly visits to the hair salon. It was one of those salons that seemed like you had to have a membership because everyone who was anyone's nana was surely in the  know. Mildly aged yet still fashionable women being primped crimped and stuffed under scones of heated dryers. The  smog of Winston 100s, shadows of Aqua Net  and the smell of curling rods being permed to the scalp, wafting in the air. Perhaps this is where my deep seeded roots for hair care permeates. Or perhaps I have just inhaled enough lacquer and ammonium thioglycolate to set off an internal organic detox. Whatever the theory may be, I am on a mission to save the Nonies and Grannies of the future from casting away their beauty for the next faux pas of chemical irritants promising eternal youth.
- the Hair Guru

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

A Condition For Your Withdrawals

The first few weeks of commercial chemical withdrawals is the pits. Let's face it, you have not been properly nurturing your scalp in years. Dollop upon douse of parabens, SLS and FDA "should not be concerned" ingredients. Your pour sebaceous glands stunted to produce it's natural oils, too doped up from last nights lather to find its way to a gland; cuticles split at the ends in a wasteland of locs. There is hope young grasshopper. There is a light at the end of this dark green tunnel. Prepare yourself as I brief you on the stages which you are about to embark upon.

After leaving behind those devil bottles of name brand junk, convert to using Baking soda mix (Recipe can be found on previous post). Now that you have left the dark side of chemicals, you will notice your glands are in over drive, producing enough oils to compensate your negligence of care to the tresses. Your scalp is scoping for PH levels and needs time to balance out. This will be your most difficult challenge.

As you remain hopelessly optimistic in your scheme to come clean, let's talk about conditioning. Because no one can comb through that hot mess of junkie tress with out some mixture to eliminate tangles.  When in Rome (or in your shower) do as the Romans do. A natural vinaigrette rinse, which can be traced back to the Roman era, aids in removing scaly buildup and residue along the hair shaft and closes the cuticles. When the cuticles are closed and hair is rid of chemical buildup, the hair is smooth and luminous in shine!

Simple Vinaigrette Rinse:
1/2 Tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar to every 1/2 Cup of Water.

Rinse after using Baking Soda mix. Rinse well, or leave in to help with tangles. 

Vinegar helps in restoring the hairs natural PH levels. I recommend using this rinse every other day while the hair is adjusting to the new shampoo.

Herbs and essential oils may be added to the rinse. I like to add a few drops of lavender. Lavender is the one of the few oils that can be directly applied to the skin with no cause of irritation (and it calms the wafting scent of vinegar) Try experimenting with different concoctions to see what's best suitable for your needs. Herbs like rosemary are a great addition for greying hair and lemon will control dandruff.

Herb & Vinegar Rinse:
2 Tablespoons of Vinegar                                 
Herb of Choice
2 Cups Boiling Water

Boil water in small saucepan. Add vinegar and allow to steep for 15 minutes. Remove from heat and allow your infusion to cool. Strain infusion over herbs with cheesecloth or coffee filter into a fresh clean bottle. Refrigerate over night. When ready to use, dilute 1/2 to 1 Tablespoon of herbal vinegar in 1 Cup of water.

Rinse through hair after shampooing.  


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

An Intervention With Your Hair

 Welcome to your intervention.
Welcome to a blog created as a sanctuary to restore your strength, your endurance, your elasticity... your hair.  Today is the day that you will begin to love your tresses once more. And for those of you who have had a falling out with your locs from the beginning of time, today is the first day of the rest of your life.

Allow me to introduce myself, I am the Hair Guru and this is my blog "Remedies of a Hair Guru".

Now it's time to step away from those drug store shelf products you've been stocking your powder rooms with. If you could only image how much toxic waste is piled on your scalp at the moment. Let's compare your scalp to a hotel room under a black light... Got the picture? Grossed out a bit? Me too.

Sure, your ingredients are labeled on the bottle, but what about their long term effects on your scalp? Sodium lauryl sulfate, a detergent found in 90% of commercial shampoos, has been researched to have dangerous effects of the development of eye tissue in small children.SLS is used as a standard in laboratories to initiate skin irritants and long term use for fair skin is prone to be more susceptible to eczema.  Premature hair loss among men and women and thinning hair? Yes, you can account that also to SLS!

So why then are you still using those corner market products?With life as chaotic and hectic with responsibilities, school, work and the whirlwind of life in general, who has time to research what toxic little chemicals are being poured onto our scalps first thing in the morning?  By the time one gets past coffee, they're already 15 minutes behind schedule!

I have done the research. I have sourced out the products and produce necessary for you to gain back your hair ego (because we all have one!) Together we can take you back to your roots, the way Mother Nature intended.

It doesn't get any simpler than this:

Basic Shampoo
Start by mixing 1 part baking soda with 3 parts water. I have shoulder length hair and mix about 2 to 3 tablespoon of baking soda with 3 times that amount of water in a small squeeze bottle. You can adjust this depending on your hair length. 
Apply the baking soda and water mixture to dry or wet hair by starting at the roots and working to the ends.  

Let it sit for 1 - 3 minutes then rinse with warm water.