For those with their mind in the gutter, I am glad I peaked your interest! (Catchy titles always seem to work this way) And for those of you who have been following the Guru blog I would like to take this moment to express my gratitude of appreciation. It has come to my attention, however, through a previous post, that during one of my "Spritzah" recipes, I failed to mention a key ingredients health benefits. Just slap these random pantry items together because some hair guru told me to, is so not my style. As I backtrack to our organic sunscreen concoction, allow me to inform you why the seeds of the gods (see what I did there?) lie in the nectar of grapes.
Grapes date back 6,000 -8,000 years ago and since ancient Greece, they have been cultivated to treat various health problems. The "waste product" left over from the fermentation of grapes into wine is what contains the array of health-giving ingredients.Who are we kidding? Wine IS most beneficial to our overall health! (Eases tensions, stress, horrible first dates... creation of a blog..etc) I should probably pour myself a glass right now and express to you its many uses in creativity!
The extract of grape seed oil contains anti-inflammatory,
anti-oxidant, anti-histamine, anti-aging, anti-allergic, antimicrobial,
and adaptogenic activity. Along with having a natural SPF, which is key to our Spritzah recipe, the natural health benefits in treatments are endless. (I am at exhaustion just writing this list)
Benefits in the treatments of:
Arthritis, edema, dermatitis, acne, wrinkles, dry and itchy skin, age
spots, sun burns, chapped lips, wounds, bruising, stretch marks,
varicose veins, hemorrhoids, chronic venous insufficiency, premature
aging, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), weight loss, stress, dandruff, hair
loss, warts, cardiovascular diseases especially atherosclerosis,
hypertension, high cholesterol levels, diabetes, visual impairment,
cataract, and macular degeneration.
With a burning temperature set at 420-480 degrees, not only is this oil perfect to fry chicken, grape seed oil will work wonders for addicts of dryers and flat irons.Just add a few drops in the palm of your hands and distribute through the hair starting from the ends. Being light weight and odorless, it is perfect for all hair types. Put down that high concentrated Moroccan Oil and go to your local market and pick up a bottle of heavenly wonder now!
Want to eliminate or reduce visible and unwanted stretch marks?
1/2 cup of Grape Seed Oil
Cotton Ball
Soak cotton ball with oil and apply to affected area. Massage gently and leave over night.
All over Europe, grape seed is used to improve circulation.
"It prevents oxidation of blood fats and inhibits enzymes that break down the proteins that make up blood vessels.
Usual dose for general health maintenance ranges from 50 to
100 mg daily. To treat illness, doses from 150 to 300 mg per day are
recommended" .(
" Studies have shown that Grape Seed Oil may improve the production of
collagen which is important for maintaining healthy connective tissues
in our joints.
Its anti-inflammatory activity may also reduce the pain caused by
A simple remedy is to start taking 1 teaspoon of Grape Seed Oil daily
on an empty stomach for 7 days and then reduce the amount to 1/2
teaspoon daily on an empty stomach." (
** Most well funded health research seems to fall within
synthetic methods of treatment, hence the benefits of organic uses in
healthcare can be found difficult to distribute on a large mainstream
scale and fall into a "holistic mumbo-jumbo" category because big
business can not make a buck off something growing from your backyard
garden. Although grape seed oil has been used by practitioners since
8,000 years ago, your local neighborhood healthcare clinic may not back
this information up.